
The Importance of Flossing

June 7th, 2024

Did you know that only 30% of Americans floss

If you’re one of the 70% of Americans who do not, it’s time to get started. Flossing is one of the most important parts of a dental hygiene routine, and it’s essential to ensuring you do not get cavities. Here are some reasons why you need to start flossing.

Gum Disease

Not flossing can be a huge factor in the development of gum disease. When you floss properly, dental plaque that is hidden below the gum line gets picked up. When this type of plaque builds up, it can lead to gingivitis and tooth loss. An early sign of this disease includes bleeding gums, so if you notice that, be sure to start flossing.

Brushing is not 100% effective

Toothbrushes can’t reach everywhere, especially not below the gum line, as we mentioned before. In fact, brushing only covers a third of the total tooth surface area in your mouth, and that means there’s a lot of space for cavities to develop. Flossing and rinsing your mouth with a proper mouthwash can help prevent this plaque build up.

Other Diseases

Researchers have found a strong statistical link between gum disease and heart disease, as gum disease can leave your body more vulnerable to blood-borne infections, leading to inflammatory diseases. Though this is not a conclusive fact, flossing can be an important routine that will positively impact your overall health.

Tips & Things to Know

  • Make sure your child starts a healthy dental hygiene routine at an early age- begin flossing their teeth as soon as their first two teeth touch. 
  • Use 12-18 inches of floss.
  • Be gentle with children’s teeth.
  • Floss both sides and try to hit below the gum line.
  • It’s never too late to start!

Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

May 31st, 2024

For most people, having white teeth is a sign of good hygiene, and with age, teeth begin to yellow. To ensure that teeth are white, chemical cleansers and other substances are sometimes used that may result in various health complications. Instead, there are many natural remedies available for whitening teeth and protecting enamel.

  1. Double check your diet. Drinking coffee, teas, juices, and other drinks that stain your teeth may not be the best option if you’re considering limiting staining on your teeth. Wait 30 minutes before eating after brushing your teeth. Eat more high fiber foods, such as spinach, which will get your saliva flowing to clean up the acid from your teeth.
  2. Some studies also show that brushing your teeth with baking soda may result in whiter teeth over time. Though you do not have to brush your teeth with just baking soda, you might want to look at products that do contain baking soda in them. 
  3. Go to the dentist. Your best place to get your teeth shiny and white is to get a cleaning done at your dentist. If your tooth staining is too much to fix, the dentist may suggest a veneer or an implant to fix it. 
  4. Use bananas, oranges, or lemon peels. Theoretically, citric acid should help with whitening your teeth. Though the results of doing this won’t always be the same for every person, it’s worth a try. Take the peel and rub it on your teeth for about two minutes before rinsing and brushing your teeth thoroughly.
  5. Use non abrasive active charcoal toothpaste. Activated charcoal can pull toxins out of your mouth, which will reduce staining on your teeth. This natural substance is important to look at carefully, as a more abrasive version of it may not have the same effects and can cause health issues.
  6. Try oil pulling. Like the citric acid peel remedy, oil pulling theoretically should reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth causing less plaque buildup. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for 20 or so seconds. Rinse with warm water, brush, and floss. However, be warned that there is no scientific evidence to this, unfortunately. Since oil cannot penetrate the enamel surface, it cannot remove the stains. However, the ancient Ayurvedic practice is still commonly used. It’s relatively inexpensive, so might as well give it a try.

Most importantly, whitening your teeth isn’t just about the cosmetic effects. It’s about keeping your teeth healthy and clean. As long as you are brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash after you eat, keeping your teeth clean won’t even be an issue. 

What You Should Know About Permanent Teeth

May 24th, 2024

Losing baby teeth is a special milestone for both the child and the parents as the child grows up. The 20 tiny primary teeth that your child has will slowly fall off and a brand new shiny set of permanent teeth will grow. These 32 permanent teeth will need to stay in your child’s mouth for the rest of their life so it’s important to take extra special care of them. Here’s what you need to know about permanent teeth.

The Numbers

Baby teeth erupt when the child is about 6 months old, and are fully formed at ages 2-3. There are 20 baby teeth, 10 on top and 10 on bottom, and 32 permanent teeth, 16 on top and 16 on bottom. The permanent teeth start replacing baby teeth around age 5.

When is everything going to happen?

Permanent teeth may vary when they come in. However, on a general level, first molars start coming in around 6-7 years old, central incisors around 6-8, lateral incisors around 7-8, canines around 9-13, premolars around 9-13, second molars around 11-13, and third molars around 17-21, if they come at all.

How do we make sure they stay in?

Taking care of your child’s permanent teeth isn’t anything more than just taking care of your own teeth. Make sure they are brushing 2-3 times a day, flossing, and using mouthwash frequently. Also, book dentist cleanings every 6 months, and ensure that your child is getting the proper treatment they need for cavities. You can also limit sugars and other food that cause teeth to be more cavity-prone.

What if they come in crooked?

Don’t worry; that’s what braces are for! The orthodontist can help adjust your child’s teeth to get them in the proper placement. Braces can also fix jaw misalignment, bite, prevent decay and gum disease, and reduce your chance of losing teeth.

Permanent teeth aren’t anything to be scared of. Encourage your child to get excited about the upcoming changes, and maybe introduce the Tooth Fairy to them.

Plaque Disclosing Tablets

May 17th, 2024

What are plaque disclosing tablets?

Plaque disclosing tablets are tablets that identify plaque in the mouth to highlight areas that may need a little more love in your oral hygiene routine. They are used as a tool to help children improve their brushing skills and easily point out where in their mouth they may need more brushing.

What is in a plaque disclosing tablet?

These tablets are made from a vegetable dye that sticks to plaque naturally. The brighter the dye in the mouth, the more plaque buildup there is. This dye is harmless and kid-friendly, but the child must fully understand not to swallow the solution.


Plaque disclosing tablets are great for preventing the build up of tartar, which is the next stage in plaque development. Plaque is harder to identify than tartar, so it’s great to have a method to identify the plaque before it becomes a problem.


As long as your child meets one or more of the following criteria, plaque disclosing tablets should be safe to use.

  • Children over the age of 6 who are still learning how to brush thoroughly
  • People with limited manual dexterity
  • Anyone with braces (flossing with braces can be tricky)
  • People with receding gums or gum disease
  • People with certain chronic medical conditions

How can you use the tablets?

Though you can use these tablets more frequently, it is mostly recommended to use them once or twice a week. Here are the steps to using the tablets!

  1. Child brushes teeth as normal
  2. Break the tablet down into smaller pieces for the child
  3. Child chews the tablet and swishes in mouth for about 30 seconds
  4. Child spits out the solution- very important!!
  5. See where the dye is sticking.
  6. Create a plan to target the dyed areas.

Don’t forget to read the instructions on the box to be sure of the method you’re using.

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